Self-Care How many of us go days on end just "working"? You have to be a daughter, a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur, a caregiver, a helper, a good friend, a motivator, etc... We have to be like the energizer bunny that keeps going, and going, and going... But, When do you ReCharge? How do you ReCharge? If you don't you will fall in a downward spiral that can only lead to exhaustion which in turn will affect for mental and physical state. Believe you, me! I know all about that. It's hard for me to admit that I have been in the work field for 23 years now. That's a long time! and as a co-worker was nice enough to point out "You have about 20-25 yrs to go" {How Rude!! I thought!!!} But, its the truth. What have I been doing these past 23 years? you ask... Well I have being an independent sales representative from selling MaryKay, Avon, 4Life, TLC... to working part-time in retail in such stores a...